Professional heavy-duty drum sander and edger are used for 95% dust-free. All the doorways will be sealed by a plastic sheet to prevent dust leak. Normally floor is sanded by coarse, medium and fine sandpapers and buffer to ensure the surface get enough required smoothness. Buffing with 100 to 150 grit sandpapers is essential between coats or before the first coat, the floor must be buffed with a buffer machine in order to prepare the floor and remove any unseen scratches.
Floor Sanding: Sanding an existing wood floor usually consists of (2 – 4) passes. Each pass is done with a different grit of sandpaper, with a final pass using a very fine 100 grit sandpaper. We stock sandpapers with grits of 16, 24, 36, 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100. The lower the number, the coarser the grit. Our professional refinishers select the proper combination of sandpapers needed for the job.
Sealers: We use two types of polyurethane sealers:
Oil-based poly, which has a light honey patina that adds to the beauty of the hardwood and brings out the natural wood grain patterns.

Oil-based poly, which has a light honey patina that adds to the beauty of the hardwood and brings out the natural wood grain patterns.
Water-based sealer is used in situations where a light-colored wood needs to meld into the decorating scheme of the room. Note: there is a water-based poly available that does add a slight amber tone to the hardwood.
Stains: Our high-quality stains come in a variety of shades and patinas. They are designed to penetrate and seal the hardwood while adding luxurious color. A coat of stain takes the place of a single polyurethane coat.
For a trouble-free hardwood installation and refinishing, please contact us or call 201-446-9383